Valencia Street S.F. will introduce you to the dynamic Valencia Street corridor in the fascinating and robust Mission District.

Here you will find a guide to the fantastic stores, bars, restaurant, and services that reside on Valencia st. and the surround area, both old and new. If you are Bay Area resident and haven't made a visit you need to put on you're list of things to do. For you tourist make visit and see the coolest part of San Francisco.

If you are a business in the area and would like to be posted, you can E-mail me at alan1abraa@gmail.com for details.


Posted by alan-abraa | Posted in | Posted on 5:31 PM


As you walk down Valencia St. and you that sign sitting in front of the store, It automatically makes you CURIOUS. Just what is it that they sell in this little store and you decide to check it out. Well, this is just the place to find things that you would not find in any other place. Never seen a SEAHORSE CHROCHET KIT, well you have now, how about a BOXED RUBBER STAMP KIT, or a GLASS CANTEEN, DINING TABLE PING PONG SET, KNITTED COFFEE SLEEVES, SUSPICIOUS PAINTINGS, DARING BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, A ROPE MONEY CLIP, LEAVE HANKIE, GOLD PLATED PASTA NECKLACE, CRAYON RINGS. Well, you get the picture, little gifts for yourself or somebody else. It's fun It's cheap and the above items are just a taste of the items you will find at the quirky little shop. If you are in the neighbor its worth the time to stop and take a look. Around Christmas time definitely a place to put on you're list.

Location: 855 Valencia St. Hours: Tues-Sat-12pm-7pm, Sun-12pm-6pm, Closed Mon., Phone: 415-671-5384

To visit THE CURIOSITY SHOPPE website just click on the above image.

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