Valencia Street S.F. will introduce you to the dynamic Valencia Street corridor in the fascinating and robust Mission District.

Here you will find a guide to the fantastic stores, bars, restaurant, and services that reside on Valencia st. and the surround area, both old and new. If you are Bay Area resident and haven't made a visit you need to put on you're list of things to do. For you tourist make visit and see the coolest part of San Francisco.

If you are a business in the area and would like to be posted, you can E-mail me at alan1abraa@gmail.com for details.


Posted by alan-abraa | Posted in | Posted on 5:20 PM


photo010photo019photo024 lucca's deli san francisco 

You're wandering around the Mission with you're friends. You're thinking about heading over to Delores Park and spending the afternoon. You're all starving and you're stomach is screaming Italian Italian I'm in the mood for Italian. Well, if you don't know about Lucca's Deli you do now. The absolute best Italian Deli in San Francisco and it's right there on the corner of Valencia and 22nd St. Fine imported wines starting at $2.50. Imported cheeses that will have you drooling. Then move on down to the meat section for those then slices of salami and smoked ham, and this is just a taste of the full selection. You have you're bottles of wine, you have you're cheese and slices of tasty meats an you round it of with some loafs of sour dough bread. You haven't spent a lot of money and you're picnic is set.

Lets just say you are going to have some friends over for dinner. Well, how about dropping in and picking up a couple of slabs of homemade ravioli and home made sauce. Some bread some wine and a gourmet salad from the salad bar, some cheeses and imported olives for appetizers and you are all set. And man the guys behind the counter give great service and know what they are talking about. Gets pretty busy but well worth the wait. Oh yea! I'm in the mood for Italian!

The address: 1100 Valencia St. at corner of 22nd St. Phone: 415-647-5581. Hours: Mon-Sat 9pm-6pm.

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